[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]We is a full service car mechanics workshop located in Balcatta. We can service and maintain all make and model vehicles. Many of our regulars live in and around Balcatta, Perth, Yokine, Tuart Hill, Stirling, Osborne Park, Nollamara, Westminster, Balcatta, Gwelup, Balga, Hamersley, and Carine.
We offer vehicle pick-up and drop-off for our customers in these locations, Balcatta, Osborne Park, Yokine, Stirling, Tuart Hill, Nollamara, Westminster, Gwelup, Balcatta, Balga, Carine and Hamersley.[/vc_column_text][vc_video link=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3A6wuUgAAOI”][vc_column_text]
Call John – Your Local Car Mechanic
If you are looking for car mechanics you can trust, please contact John on (08) 7078 0877 and have a chat. Our car mechanics offer to drop off and pick up services to people living and working around Balcatta, Stirling, Osborne Park, Yokine, Tuart Hill, Nollamara, Balga, Gwelup, Westminster, Balcatta, Carine and Hamersley.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_column_text]You can find our workshop along Erindale Road in Balcatta, less than five minutes from the Mitchell Highway exit. Simply take a left and and just two minutes down you will see our famous VW combi and our sign board. We are located right at the end of that road.
Sure it is every car owner’s responsibility to have a well maintained and roadworthy car. It’s for your safety and others. Therefore, all vehicle owners need to have their cars serviced adequately at regular intervals.
We are known for our expertise and experience for top-notch car mechanics, vehicle repairs and services in and around Balcatta, Perth, Yokine, Tuart Hill, Stirling, Westminster, Osborne Park, Nollamara, Gwelup, Balga, Hamersley, and Carine. Rest assured our repairs and services will not nullify your vehicle’s current warranty. All our car mechanics are qualified.
Our offer includes but not limited to all car mechanical works, tires, wheel balancing. Check out our reviews and testimonials from happy customers on Google.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_images_carousel images=”349,350,351,352,353,354,355,356,357,358,359″ img_size=”400×400″ onclick=”link_no” autoplay=”yes” hide_prev_next_buttons=”yes” wrap=”yes”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]”Great Mechanic trustworthy has been doing my fleet of vehicles for years
Thanks John” – Gordon Taylor, Perth
“Always helpful advice provided and I have been very happy with the service provided.” – Gavin Brown, Perth
“Absolutely top notch mechanics! Just got the heads done on my 85 t3 van short time, fair price and many years experience you cannot go wrong with these guys!my van runs like a dream “highly recomended!” ;thanks john” – Seth Harkness, Perth
“Great service without the sales cons so all in all a great experience with very helpful staff” – Wim Cleuren, Perth
In a nutshell, your car maintenance records book recommends both major and minor maintenance requirements at different kilometres travelled.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]
Major Car Services
Major car services usually entail taking your car for a full tune-up. The process involves inspection of all the vehicle components by a service provider. The mechanic ascertains that all the vehicle’s aspects are in proper working condition. A majority of service plans include the following:
– Repair and replacement of spark plugs.
– Testing and replacement of car filters.
– Inspection of the brakes.
– Evaluation of the battery.
– Road test and safety inspection.
– General state checks and other similar services.
Major maintenance is recommended at 60,000, 120,000, 180,000, 240,000, 300,00 and 360,000 kilometres.
Minor Car Services
It entails surface inspections and minor repairs such as replacing the fluid in the radiator, inspecting the car tires, and pumping them with air and other similar services. The services do not involve the replacement with spare parts, the use of special equipment, or carrying out time-consuming repairs. It makes the minor repairs affordable and quick.
Do you know our car mechanics offer drop-off and pick-up of your vehicles in and around Balcatta, Stirling, Carine, Yokine, Tuart Hill, Osborne Park, Nollamara, Balga, Westminster, Gwelup and Hamersley.
To avoid any unexpected break downs and incur an expensive cost of repairs. Here is a list of critical warning signs you should take note between your scheduled maintenance.
Engine Warning Light
When is the appropriate time to check your engine? Do you know what your vehicle is telling you by displaying warning lights?
Carefully note that you should never ignore the blinking warning lights on your vehicle’s dashboard. The warning lights serve as a warning for any unexpected electrical or mechanical complications. These warning lights will let you know the different problems such as security alerts, battery issues, notifications about decrease power, oil pressure alerts, lamp outs, and so much more. You must not ignore any of the warning lights, especially the engine fault light. As soon as the engine light blinks, you should immediately take your vehicle to your trusted mechanic.
Any irregular noise
Peculiar vehicle sounds, such as squeals and squeaks, could be one of the following problems such as braking system, fan belt, or low power steering fluid. Important sounds that you should take careful note of the noise.
Is it a high pitched squeal? A high-pitched squealing noise when starting your car. It is most probably telling you that your fan belt is either worn or loose.
If the squealing noise is on applying the brake, you may be on for a new set of brake pads. It may also indicate that dirt or small pieces of rock may have lodged in your braking system. It’s best to get it checked irrespective.
If the squealing noise is while you are driving, then your tires may require rebalancing. Also, your power steering fluid may need replacement.
Smoke Emission
You must ensure that you take note of all the peculiar smoke emission from your vehicle’s exhaust or bonnet. Black smoke emissions may be a result of an oil leak, accumulation of carbon in the engine, and blockages. Smoke emitted from the hood is never good; it may be that the radiator is not operating correctly.
Excessive Vibrations
Common causes of excessive vibrations include problems with the suspension, worn or unbalanced tires, worn out pads or discs, or a complication arising from the steering system. You must not ignore this warning sign.
Unresponsive Brakes
The braking system in your car is essential for your safety and the safety of others on the road. Your brakes can undergo a lot of wear and tears in your driving. You must check your brake pads regularly.
Vehicles may suddenly stall, it is dangerous if your car suddenly stops in the middle of the highway. The possible causes may include blocked fuel filters or faulty spark plugs.
Issues with the ignition
If you notice that your vehicle requires several attempts to start your engine, or its splutters and ‘coughs’ as you try and drive off, then this is a likely indication of a problem with the ignition. Possible causes of these defects include a weak battery or a faulty starter motor.
Grinding Gears
Wear and tear may cause grinding gears. If you let the problem persists, you will need to replace your gearbox if the damage is beyond repair. You can very easily avoid gearboxes defects with regular oil check. It will save you the future replacement cost.
Decrease in Power
A reduction in power to various car parts when your car struggles to attain its full speed, or sudden and irregular power surges, or even a full tank of fuel but not taking the car as far as it usually would have. You should have your car inspected. The likely causes of reduced power to the car include improper tire pressure, a stuck brake pad, or the car has simply aged.
Steering defects
In case you are experiencing a fault with your car’s ability to pull to one side of the road, especially when you are in a neutral position, then this indicates that there is a defect with your car’s steering. It could possibly be due to worn ball joints or broken steering rack mounts. In case your steering feels very stiff, then possibly, you might not have the appropriate amount air pumped into your tires, or you may be required to make adjustments to the amount of power steering fluid.
No time to bring your vehicle in? No worries, our car mechanics offer drop-off and pick-up of your vehicles in and around Balcatta, Stirling, Yokine, Carine, Osborne Park, Tuart Hill, Nollamara, Balga, Gwelup, Westminster and Hamersley.
Our Repairs and Services You Can Trust Our Car Mechanics
Other vehicles or repair services that you may need.
Vehicle Air Conditioner
Car air conditioners mainly provide comfort while driving in the sweltering Australian heat. It’s no longer a luxury.
Your service your vehicle’s clutch in case you have a car with a manual transmission system.
Timing Belt
It is a critical component of the internal combustion engine, and it is considered one of the most expensive servicing requirements. If you ignore the maintenance of the timing belt, you are likely to incur a significant and unexpected repair cost, especially if it happens to break while driving.
Wheel Alignment
In case you have hit a curb harder than expected or driven into a pothole, you may need to re-alignment the wheels. It ensures the wheels remain parallel, making them roadworthy and safe to use. Wheel misalignment will cause uneven tires wear and tear.
Private Car Mechanics vs Dealerships
It is one of the most common questions that arise when dealing with vehicle repair and servicing. Dealerships often try to convince car owners to have your car serviced or repaired at their local workshops; otherwise, the warranty may be void. It is fundamentally incorrect, and your new car purchase is protected by the law. By having your car serviced by licensed and certified mechanics, no problem should arise with the warranty. It is worth mentioning that repairs at dealerships may be slightly more affordable due to their capped-price program.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_column_text]
How Does Mileage Affect Your Car Mechanics Cost of Servicing?
Older vehicles are usually more expensive to maintain. It essentially means that car repair prices rise with the increased distance covered.
The average cost of services in Australia fluctuates with the prevailing market condition and further varies from company to company. The older the car, the more parts you will need to replace. When you keep to your maintenance schedule recommended, your car will still be in good driving conditions with 360,000km on the clock.
Call John – Your Local Car Mechanic
If you are looking for car mechanics you can trust, please contact John on (08) 7078 0877 and have a chat. Our car mechanics offer to drop off and pick up services to people living around Stirling, Yokine, Tuart Hill, Osborne Park, Nollamara, Balga, Westminster, Balcatta, Gwelup, Carine and Hamersley.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_images_carousel images=”391,392,393,394,395,396,397″ img_size=”400×400″ onclick=”link_no” autoplay=”yes” hide_prev_next_buttons=”yes” wrap=”yes”][/vc_column][/vc_row]